cba - continuous beam analysis
this is a small engineering tool that calculates member forces and support reactions of a continuous beamit is based on CBA.m for matlab/octave by Colin Caprani

current version is 0.3.6. download
- 0.3.1 09/2009 released at sourceforge
- 0.3.2 09/2009 added output of plot data (gui), added user dialog for creating a new beam (gui)
- 0.3.3 11/2009 added small graphical output/ printout (gui), removed solve/save button and plot data (gui)
- 0.3.4 12/2009 added system graph, loadtypes, restraints and load factors (gui), fixed 2 bugs in cbeam_class
- 0.3.5 02/2010 added material/section database
- 0.3.6 07/2010 added two more loadtypes, fixed bug in cbeam_class
the solving "engine" is a c++ class (cbeam_class), which is accessed by both the command line version (cba) and the gui (wxCBA). the graphical user interface is powered by wxWidgets framework and covers almost all of the features of cbeam_class, use the command line tool, if you want different moments of inertia, higher precision or batch processing
Thanks to Sylvestre Ledru cba went into DEBIAN, source code can be obtained via git:
- git://